How To Catch Out the Scammers Claiming to be from HMRC

Take them through a Security Check!
Recently there has been a spate of telephone scammers calling allegedly from HMRC.
We recommend that you ask the caller to pass a security check (as HMRC does with you!) before answering any of their questions. Advise them that their call may be recorded for training purposes. Switch on the call recorder if you have one.
Ask them to give you the following information about yourself.
Do not confirm whether the answers they give are right or wrong
Your Full Name
Your Full address including post code
Your Unique Taxpayer reference Number
Your National Insurance Number
Your Date of Birth
Ask for the caller’s:
- Full name
- Telephone number
- Agency name and address
- Call reference number
Do NOT give them online access to your computer if they ask you.
If they are still on the line ask them what they want. Then advise them that you will call them back after you have spoken with your Accountant or Financial Advisor.
Do not give out any personal information or bank details
Do not pay any money over the telephone
Stay safe!
Call us on 01273 474885 if you have any concerns about a telephone call you have received with reference to HMRC or tax payments.